As a young journalist she interviewed key leaders from the militant separatist group the Tamil Tigers. At the end of the Sri Lankan civil war she wrote an article about the defense secretary suggesting he shared a similar psychological profile to that of the leader of the Tigers.
But after 25 years of pursuing tough stories and taking on powerful people, Jansz is seeking asylum in the United States and making her home in the Pacific Northwest.
In the winter of 2010, Jansz was editor and chief of The Sunday Leader, a paper on the verge of ruin. The Leader, long known for its stance against the Sri Lankan ruling party, was engaged in multiple lawsuits brought on by outraged officials and bankruptcy loomed.
Presidential elections were on the horizon when Jansz interviewed the opposition candidate a former army commander in the Sri Lankan army. She asked the commander about a rumor that the army had shot a group of Tamil Tiger rebel leaders as they attempted to surrender at the end of the war.
The general told Jansz that the rumors were true, and that other officials had ordered the killings without his knowledge.
“When he told me this, I knew this was my page-one story,” says Jansz. She also knew she was dooming her already beleaguered paper to more attacks.
Over the years, The Leader’s presses had been burned down and its reporters subjected to numerous death threats. The former editor and chief (Jansz’s predecessor) was gunned down in 2009 as he drove to work, a murder that remains unsolved.
The government used the story to paint the former general as a traitor and terrorist sympathizer — he was publicly shamed and lost the election.
As a result, The Leader and Jansz had made an enemy out of both the government and the opposition, an impossible position in a climate where independent can mean unprotected. Jansz didn’t stop there.
A year ago in the midst of mounting lawsuits Jansz learned that Sri Lanka’s defense secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa was planning to commandeer a Sri Lankan Airlines flight in order to fly a puppy to his wife in Switzerland. Jansz was followed by motorbikes, received death threats and in September was fired from The Leader. According to Jansz, a pro-government businessman bought the paper in an attempt to control it. She knew she had to get out. She had a U.S. visa and left, arriving in Seattle with her two sons this past October. |