Coming leta's News

1. Juli 2013

Tamil community never trust PSC: C.V.Vickneswaran

Former High Court Judge C.V.Vickneswaran welcomes decision taken by the Tamil National Alliance on not to take part in the parliamentary select committee.
Government always welcomes TNA to take part in the PSC and later on make decision on their own.
Political parties representating in the Tamil National Alliance recently hold discussions on representating in the PSC and 13th amendment.
End of the discussion leaders decided to skip the PSC.
Commenting on TNA decision former high court judge C.V.Vickneswaran went on to say,
Tamils are majority community in the North and East areas. However governments which rule the country always announce them as minorities.
At present government decided to implement changes in the 13th amendment which includes land and police powers.
Parliamentary Select Committee was dominated by members from majority community. If the TNA representate the PSC they would be able to receive 4 votes.
Senior ruling party members Tissa Vitharana and Rajith Senaratne were not names in this committee. Government fails to appoint Muslim representative to the committee.
At present Tamil community never trust or respect this parliamentary select committee, he said.