Coming leta's News

28. Mai 2013

Abolish executive presidency if not ready to appoint common candidate

The chairman of the peoples movement for a fair society Ven.Maduluwawe Sobhitha thero says the if the Govt and the UNP does not take steps to abolish the executive presidency, the moverment will be present a Common Candidate for the next Presidential election. 
Ven. Sobitha thero also says that the common candidate will abolish the Executive presidency within 3 months of his appointment.
Ven. thero made theis remarks yesterday (27) at a public discussion held at the intellectual professional's union hall in Colombo 7.
He said that if both leading parties are trying to slip away from their duty, thee will be no revealing of the CC's name yet.
Ven. Sobhitha thro said that no one who expects a fair society can object to this.