In a letter written to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, he said it was quite natural for treaties to be reviewed and altered if unforeseen hardship is caused.
Indian fishermen were ‘threatening’ to cross Palk Straits and settle in Sri Lanka “just for their survival,” he said.
He urged the Prime Minister to take up the matter with Sri Lanka and arrive at an early settlement, and if necessary review the 1974 accord.
Vijayakanth said Nepal willing to review the 1951 agreement signed with India.Even the Indo-Sri Lankan Accord of 1987 was not being honoured by Colombo.
“As circumstances change and unforeseen hardship is caused, it is quite natural for any treaty to be reviewed and altered, if necessary. We, therefore, request you to take up the 1974 Indo-Sri Lanka agreement ceding Katchatheevu, an islet on the Palk Straits, to Government of Sri Lanka (and it) be reopened and reviewed to obviate untold sufferings faced by our fishermen on a daily basis at the hands of Sri Lankan Navy,” he said. |