BJP leader Ananth Kumar who is on a visit to the US with BJP chief Rajnath Singh, said the Sri Lankan government should come out with a model where the Tamils will have a major say in the socio-political and economic development of the island-nation and contribute to the growth of the nation and are not discriminated against, the Press Trust of India reported.
BJP MP and General Secretary Kumar is also the Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on External Affairs.
“Human rights have to be safeguarded and we want a united secular Sri Lanka where all the citizens have equal rights and are not discriminated against. We will take all steps to ensure this when we come back to power,” Kumar said.
“The only way forward is how diplomacy is used and we should not shy away from strongly and effectively conveying our feelings and concerns to the Sri Lankan authorities,” he said.
The foreign policy of BJP will be on the lines of national interest with a clear decisiveness, he said. |